As we approached the 50th anniversary of the Apollo mission, we showcase the accomplishments of the thousands of men and women at NASA and foreshadow the events that will take place in the future. To do this, the ACTE Association hosted a video challenge for students to “Offer students the opportunity to showcase the application of CTE and project-based learning programs in high-demand 21st century career fields on Earth as well as in space” and to “Inspire students by sparking their imagination and creativity as well as broadening their knowledge about STEM careers through the CTE Month and NASA HUNCH student video challenge.”
The final video is shown below.
On June 5th, an email was received from the ACTE regarding the video submission.
Hello Jonathan and Mr. Brown, We hope that you, your families are all doing well during these challenging times. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, NASA and ACTE believe it is in the best interest of everyone’s health to provide your students’ NASA HUNCH certificates electronically since we will not convene face-to-face or distribute any physical items this year. We are also pleased to provide you both with a video challenge participant graphic to share via social media or other online channels.
We are so grateful for Jonathan’s video which was truly excellent and for your keen guidance as his instructor. We hope the attached certificates provide some recognition of your outstanding work on the video.
This year all the videos were so outstanding that we had a very difficult job in selecting the winning videos. Below is the list of the winners in each category as well as 3 honorable mention videos for each category. Congratulations on your excellent video that did receive honorable mention for Educational Video. The video demonstrated Jonathan’s great knowledge of the Artemis program as we go to the moon. All 71 videos that were submitted on YouTube can be found on the NASA HUNCH YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyVLXuOgWRE&list=PL3t8hjfINetYrIvIhTkua9GZEvokMxgZR
Although I am very festive with the results, there were a few points I would have added/changed to make this video astonishing. To begin with, my video could be considered very straightforward without much change in scenery or direction leading to a less entertaining video. To fix this, I would have both included more illustrated graphics and human interviews. Furthermore, the final video was not in the highest quality possible due to the fact that some footage was produced in 1969. If time allowed, I would have attempted to upscale the footage. Other than this, I believe my video was well made and presented.